Endeavor® Trust

Integrity - Accountability - Respect
Endeavor Trust Corporation


Endeavor Trust Corporation is a Financial Institution Authorized in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and offers Trust and Transfer Agent services.


Endeavor Trust services issuers listed on CSE - Canadian Securities Exchange, CBOE, TSX/TSX-V, OTC Markets, NASDAQ, and NYSE/Amex.


Endeavor Trust offers Escrow and Trust services to publicly listed companies and companies planning to list their shares on a stock exchange in Canada and USA.


Endeavor Trust works closely with Western Pacific Trust Company, a BC Trust Company who's primary focus is Self-Administered Accounts. Western Pacific Trust Company is a unique independent BC trust company which has been a trusted financial services provider to corporations and individuals since 1999. Consolidation in this industry has led to the existence of fewer and larger financial institutions in today’s market place. That concentration has created a niche market for Western Pacific Trust Company, which caters specifically to the private capital markets, and offers clients competitive, responsive and knowledgeable service on a consistent basis. For more information visit https://westernpacifictrust.com/

Our goal each day is to leave work at the end of the day knowing that we have done our best to satisfy all requests that we have received to the best of our ability.

In order to maintain such a high standard of service, we practice the following:

1. We always answer our phones and address issues immediately.

2. All staff monitor our group email to ensure all email requests are addressed.

3. All transactions received are processed the same day if we have all of the information we need to complete the transaction.

4. We process walk-in requests on the spot so the client can leave satisfied.

5. Our compliance department constantly monitors our team to ensure transactions remain within our internal compliance parameters.

6. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our services and ensure our fast turnaround remains intact as our company continues to grow.

7. We try to earn appreciation for our services with every interaction with our clients.

8. We monitor for after hours requests and process when received when necessary.

David Eppert, CEO

Monthly / Annual Fees

$0. We are both a Canadian and a US Transfer Agent and we don't charge monthly fees to be your agent. We only charge when we do actual work such as treasury orders, transfers, corporate actions, or escrow and other agreements.

US Co-Agent Fees

We are also a U.S transfer agent so you don't have to appoint a second transfer agent. $0 if we are your primary agent. If we are just a co-agent then we charge an annual fee.

Rush Fees

We do not charge rush fees. We process our transactions fast so there is no need to pay us for the fast service we already provide.

Setup fees on new accounts

$0 Setup fees. We don't charge you money to give us your business.

Fee Schedule

Ask us for our full Fee Schedule and we'll send it to you.

DTC Eligibility

We connect you with an Underwriter who can assist with your DTC eligibility quickly and efficiently. Our role in the process is to provide confirmations to FINRA, DTC, and the Exchanges.

Irrevocable Stock Power

If you want to transfer your shares to another party, the following is required: 1. Irrevocable Stock Power 2. Schedule "A" form if there is more than one buyer. 3. Directors Resolution and corporate documents.

Irrevocable Stock Power - Schedule "A"

Share Transfer Directors Resolution

Endeavor Trust Corporation, "Endeavor Trust" or "Endeavor®" is a Financial Institution regulated by the BC Financial Services Authority, the Alberta Treasury and Finance, the Saskatchewan Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority and the Manitoba Financial Institutions Regulation Branch.
  • ENDEAVOR contact information

Endeavor Trust Corporation www.EndeavorTrust.com Corporate Head Office / Operations Suite 702 - 777 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1S4 Courier certificates to this address Endeavor Transfer Agency By Appointment Only www.EndeavorTransfer.com Suite 305 - 117 Peter Street, Toronto, ON, M5V 0N3

Trust & Transfer Agent Services

Corporate Head Office
Suite 1150 - 777 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1S4

Securities Processing
Suite 702 - 777 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1S4

Securities Processing
Delta, BC - By Appointment Only

Transfer Agent & Registrar Services 

Endeavor Transfer Agency
(Co-Transfer Agent)
Transfer Agent & Registrar Services
By appointment only
306 - 117 Peter Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 0M3
Toronto Phone: (416) 977-7888
Vancouver Phone (604-559-8880

National Securities Administrators Ltd. dba Endeavor Transfer Agency

Trust & Transfer Agent Services

Services is currently offered from our Vancouver Office and our Attorney for Service in Alberta.

Call 604-559-8880 or email admin@endeavortrust.com for contact details in Alberta if required.

Trust & Transfer Agent Services

Services is currently offered from our Vancouver Office and our Attorney for Service in Manitoba.

Call 604-559-8880 or email admin@endeavortrust.com for contact details in Manitoba if required.

Trust & Transfer Agent Services

Services is currently offered from our Vancouver Office and our Attorney for Service in Saskatchewan.

Call 604-559-8880 or email admin@endeavortrust.com for contact details in Saskatchewan if required.